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Tunacats Yuppie Guppie
Tunacats Yuppie Guppie
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8261 images in 859 categories.

23.02.2025, 06:54

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Bob Zenda Gallery of CFA Cats

About me as a Judge.

I will never forget the very first CFA show I clerked at in 1963. I was fascinated and impressed by the skill the judge demonstrated and knew right then and there that someday I would be the one behind the table. Over the years I observed and learned from the masters, most notably Mr. Richard Gebhardt. Dick dressed fashionably, had a commanding style and flair second to none, and effortlessly shared his expert knowledge with exhibitors and the public alike in an educational and most entertaining manner. With a lot of help and encouragement along the way I finally found myself behind that table and judged my first show in March, 1968.

I quickly learned that judging is a privilege that also entails a multitude of responsibilities. Responsibility to the breeders & exhibitors to fairly evaluate and place their cats in competition. Responsibility to the clubs who contract them to respect their special themes, accommodate their schedules and to give the public who visit their shows a positive impression of CFA and our sport. Responsibility as representative of CFA to always act in a professional manner, to promote the organization and to share our expertise.

I try to live by that philosophy and strongly believe that celebrating the successes of our breeders, exhibitors and their cats is an important means of promoting CFA. To this end, I have made a special effort of capturing and sharing the winning moments of every Best In Show winnerin the shows I have judged beginning with the 1999-2000 show season through the use of digital photography and the world wide web.I carry a hard copy of the printed photos of the current show season to share with exhibitors at each of the shows I judge, and I am proud that this site now contains a collection of more than 3,000 photos for everyone to view and enjoy.


Organized 1st CFA club in Japan, 1961.
Registered Tsu-Kee-Ah-Kee Cattery, 1962 (#3827).
Organized 1st CFA show in Japan, 1963.
Served as Show Secretary for Cotton States Cat club, 1964.
Served as officer & show official for Cat Fanciers of Washington.
Served as CFA Judges’ Workshops & Schools Coordinator.
Served American Shorthair Breed Council Secretary.

Currently serving as a CFA Allbreed Judge.
Currently serving as Secretary of Cochise Cat Fanciers.
Currently serving as a Liason for Asia

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Copyright © 2003-2007 All Images By Bob Zenda